Thursday, 14 May 2020

How can I coding higher low value of MACD?

How can I coding higher low value of MACD?


Solution is


sig = Signal(); crss = Cross( MACD(), sig); prev_macd = ValueWhen(crss, MACD(), 2); Buy = crss AND MACD() > prev_macd; PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow, colorGreen, layer = 0, y = sig );

1 comment:

  1. I request you to plase make AFL scanner exploration. Condition : This condition happen in starting of market open, when candle closing above Pivot line and at the same time candle closing above 50 SMA. In short, candle closing above pivot line and 50 sma at the same time. If youn need i can share sample image with you.

