Sunday 17 May 2015

AutoTrade Control For NEST/NOW for Amibroker (AFL)

Collected :)

Title = " ";
_SECTION_BEGIN("RKR_AutoTrade1V00 ");

EnableRealTimeControl = ParamList("Enable Controls", "No|Yes", 0);
EnableStrategy = ParamList("Enable Strategy", "No|Yes", 0);
StrategyType = ParamList("StrategyType", "Long/Short|Long|Short", 0);
EnableAutoTrade = ParamList("Enable Autotrade", "No|Yes", 0);
BuyPriceSelection = ParamList("Buy Price", "Bid Price|Ask Price|LTP", 0);
SellPriceSelection = ParamList("Sell Price", "Ask Price|Bid Price|LTP", 0);
ProductType = ParamList("Product Type", "MIS|NRML", 0);
OrderType = ParamList("Order Type", "LIMIT|MARKET", 0);
ClientIdValue = ParamStr("Client Id", "CLIENTID");
LotQuantity = Param("Lot Quantity", 1000, 50, 100000, 10);  // Default Trade Qty.
X2 = Param("Button X Offset", 0, 0, 2000, 100);
Y2 = Param("Button Y Offset", 0, 0, 2000, 100);
X1 = Param("Button Size", 100, 100, 300, 50);
//ParamList("Written By", "Marketdelta");
//ParamList("e-mail ID", "");
Buy = 0;
Sell = 0;
Short = 0;
Cover = 0;

if(EnableStrategy == "Yes")

Buy = Cross(MACD(12, 26), Signal(12, 26, 9));
Sell = Cross(Signal(12, 26, 9), MACD(12, 26));

Short = Cross(Signal(12, 26, 9), MACD(12, 26));
Cover = Cross(MACD(12, 26), Signal(12, 26, 9));


if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes" && EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
        nestplus = Null;
            nestplus = CreateStaticObject("Nest.PlusApi");
        StaticVarSetText ("firstflagforNest","0", 1);

X0 = 20;
Y0 = 10;
procedure DashBoard (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
    GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 8.5, 500);
    GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
    GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|0|4|16);

DashBoard (" Strategy: " + EnableStrategy, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+13, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Strategy Type: " + StrategyType, X0, Y0+13, X0+150, Y0+26, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Auto Trade: " + EnableAutoTrade, X0, Y0+26, X0+150, Y0+38, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Buy Price: " + BuyPriceSelection, X0, Y0+38, X0+150, Y0+50, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Sell Price: " + SellPriceSelection, X0, Y0+50, X0+150, Y0+62, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Product Type: " + ProductType, X0, Y0+62, X0+150, Y0+75, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard (" Order Type: " + OrderType, X0, Y0+75, X0+150, Y0+88, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DashBoard ("", X0+1, Y0+88, X0+149, Y0+89, colorRed, colorRed);
DashBoard ("        Market Delta ", X0, Y0+89, X0+150, Y0+105, colorBlack, colorBlack);

X0 = 180;
Y0 = 10;
procedure DrawData (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
    GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 8.5, 600);
    GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
    GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|0|4|16);
DrawData (" " + Name(), X0, Y0, X0+160, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" " + Date(), X0+170, Y0, X0+260, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Open : " + Open, X0+275, Y0, X0+380, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Close : " + Close, X0+390, Y0, X0+500, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" High : " + High, X0+510, Y0, X0+620, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Low : " + Low, X0+630, Y0, X0+740, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" Volume : " + NumToStr(Volume,1,0), X0+750, Y0, X0+960, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
DrawData (" % Change : " + NumToStr( (((C-O)*100)/O), 1.2, True), X0+980, Y0, X0+1080, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);

    StaticVarSet("OrderNo", 0);
    StaticVarSetText ("firstflag","0");

    StaticVarSet(("BuyIndex" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("BuyCount" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("BuyFlag"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("BuyPrice"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("BuyQty"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("SellIndex" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("SellCount" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("SellFlag"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("SellPrice"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("SellQty"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("ShortIndex" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("ShortCount" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("ShortFlag"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("ShortPrice"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("ShortQty"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("CoverIndex" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("CoverCount" + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("CoverFlag"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("CoverPrice"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet(("CoverQty"  + Name()), 0);
    StaticVarSet("LTPSave" + Name(), 0);
    StaticVarSet("LTQSave" + Name(), 0);
    StaticVarSet("VolumeTemp" + Name(), 0);
    StaticVarSet("AskSave" + Name(), 0);
    StaticVarSet("BidSave" + Name(), 0);
    StaticVarSet("LastLTPColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
    StaticVarSet("LastLTQColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
    StaticVarSet("LastAskColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
    StaticVarSet("LastBidColor" + Name(), colorGrey40);
    StaticVarSetText("firstflag"+Name(), "0");

CurrentAskPrice = LastValue(Aux1);
CurrentBidPrice = LastValue(Aux2);
CurrentTradedPrice = LastValue(C);
CurrentVolume = LastValue(Volume);

if(BuyPriceSelection == "Bid Price")
    BuyPriceValue = CurrentBidPrice;
else if(BuyPriceSelection == "Ask Price")
    BuyPriceValue = CurrentAskPrice;
    BuyPriceValue = CurrentTradedPrice;

if(SellPriceSelection == "Ask Price")
    SellPriceValue = CurrentAskPrice;
else if(SellPriceSelection == "Bid Price")
    SellPriceValue = CurrentBidPrice;
    SellPriceValue = CurrentTradedPrice;

LTPTemp = StaticVarGet("LTPSave" + Name());
LTQTemp = StaticVarGet("LTQSave" + Name());
VolumeTemp = StaticVarGet("VolumeTemp" + Name());
AskTemp = StaticVarGet("AskSave" + Name());
BidTemp = StaticVarGet("BidSave" + Name());

CurrentLTQ = (CurrentVolume - VolumeTemp);

if(CurrentLTQ < 0)
    CurrentLTQ = CurrentLTQ * -1;

if(CurrentLTQ == 0)
    CurrentLTQ = LTQTemp;

LTPColor = StaticVarGet("LastLTPColor" + Name());
LTQColor = StaticVarGet("LastLTQColor" + Name());
AskColor = StaticVarGet("LastAskColor" + Name());
BidColor = StaticVarGet("LastBidColor" + Name());

if(LTPTemp > CurrentTradedPrice)
    LTPColor = colorRed;
else if(LTPTemp < CurrentTradedPrice)
    LTPColor = colorGreen;

if(LTQTemp > CurrentLTQ)
    LTQColor = colorRed;
else if(LTQTemp < CurrentLTQ)
    LTQColor = colorGreen;

if(AskTemp > CurrentAskPrice)
    AskColor = colorRed;
else if(AskTemp < CurrentAskPrice)
    AskColor = colorGreen;

if(BidTemp > CurrentBidPrice)
    BidColor = colorRed;
else if(BidTemp < CurrentBidPrice)
    BidColor = colorGreen;

StaticVarSet("LastLTPColor" + Name(), LTPColor);
StaticVarSet("LastLTQColor" + Name(), LTQColor);
StaticVarSet("LastAskColor" + Name(), AskColor);
StaticVarSet("LastBidColor" + Name(), BidColor);

StaticVarSet("LTPSave" + Name(), CurrentTradedPrice);
StaticVarSet("LTQSave" + Name(), CurrentLTQ);
StaticVarSet("VolumeTemp" + Name(), CurrentVolume);
StaticVarSet("AskSave" + Name(), CurrentAskPrice);
StaticVarSet("BidSave" + Name(), CurrentBidPrice);

X0 = X2 + 20;
Y0 = Y2 + 120;
LBClick = GetCursorMouseButtons() == 9;    // Click
MouseX  = Nz(GetCursorXPosition(1));        //
MouseY  = Nz(GetCursorYPosition(1));        //

//NumPad0 = GetAsyncKeyState(96) < 0;
//NumPad4 = GetAsyncKeyState(100) < 0;
//NumPad5 = GetAsyncKeyState(101) < 0;
//NumPad7 = GetAsyncKeyState(103) < 0;
//NumPad8 = GetAsyncKeyState(104) < 0;

procedure DrawBut (Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo)
    GfxSelectFont("Segoe UI", 9, 700);
    GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
    GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32|1|4|16);

if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")

    DrawBut ("Buy", X0, Y0, X0+X1, Y0+30, colorGreen, colorGreen);
    CursorInBuyButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0+30;
    BuyButtonClick = CursorInBuyButton AND LBClick;
    if (BuyButtonClick || NumPad7 )
        TempBuy = Buy;
        Buy = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempBuy == True), True, False);

    DrawBut ("Sell", X0, Y0+40, X0+X1, Y0+70, colorRed, colorRed);
    CursorInSellButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+40 AND MouseY <= Y0+70;
    SellButtonClick = CursorInSellButton AND LBClick;
    if (SellButtonClick || NumPad8)
        TempSell = Sell;
        Sell = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempSell == True), True, False);
    DrawBut ("Short", X0, Y0+80, X0+X1, Y0+110, colorOrange, colorOrange);
    CursorInShortButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+80 AND MouseY <= Y0+110;
    ShortButtonClick = CursorInShortButton AND LBClick;
    if (ShortButtonClick || NumPad4)
        TemShort = Short;
        Short = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TemShort == True), True, False);

    DrawBut ("Cover", X0, Y0+120, X0+X1, Y0+150, colorTurquoise, colorTurquoise);
    CursorInCoverButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+120 AND MouseY <= Y0+150;
    CoverButtonClick = CursorInCoverButton AND LBClick;
    if (CoverButtonClick || NumPad5)
        TempCover = Cover;
        Cover = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) || (TempCover == True), True, False);

    DrawBut ("Clear Data", X0, Y0+160, X0+X1, Y0+190, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    CursorInClearButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0+X1 AND MouseY >= Y0+160 AND MouseY <= Y0+190;
    ClearButtonClick = CursorInClearButton AND LBClick;
    if (ClearButtonClick || NumPad0 )
        DrawBut("Clear", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);

        StaticVarSetText("firstflag"+Name(), "");
    TempBuy = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Buy) == True), True, False);
    BuyTempData = StaticVarGet("BuyIndex" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
    BuyPrevTemp = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
        BuyPrevTemp = BuyPrevTemp | (IIf(DateTime() == BuyTempData[i], True, False));
    Buy = IIf(((BuyPrevTemp == True) || (TempBuy == True)), True, False);
    TempSell = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Sell) == True), True, False);
    SellTempData = StaticVarGet("SellIndex" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
    SellPrevTemp = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
        SellPrevTemp = SellPrevTemp | (IIf(DateTime() == SellTempData[i], True, False));
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
    Sell = IIf((TempCount > 0) && ((SellPrevTemp == True) || (TempSell == True)), True, False);

    TempShort = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Short) == True), True, False);
    ShortTempData = StaticVarGet("ShortIndex" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
    ShortPrevTemp = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
        ShortPrevTemp = ShortPrevTemp | (IIf(DateTime() == ShortTempData[i], True, False));
    Short = IIf(((ShortPrevTemp == True) || (TempShort == True)), True, False);

    TempCover = IIf((DateTime() == LastValue(DateTime())) && (LastValue(Cover) == True), True, False);
    CoverTempData = StaticVarGet("CoverIndex" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
    CoverPrevTemp = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= TempCount; i++)
        CoverPrevTemp = CoverPrevTemp | (IIf(DateTime() == CoverTempData[i], True, False));
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
    Cover = IIf((TempCount > 0) && ((CoverPrevTemp == True) || (TempCover == True)), True, False);

if(StrategyType == "Long")
    Short = 0;
    Cover = 0;
else if(StrategyType == "Short")
    Buy = 0;
    Sell = 0;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

Short = ExRem( Short, Cover );
Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short );

Buyshape = Buy * shapeUpArrow;
SellShape = Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes( Buyshape, colorBrightGreen, 0, Low );
PlotShapes( SellShape, colorRed, 0, High );

Shortshape = Short * shapeDownArrow;
CoverShape = Cover * shapeUpArrow;
PlotShapes( Shortshape, colorOrange, 0, High, -30);
PlotShapes( CoverShape, colorTurquoise, 0, Low, -30 );

GraphXSpace = 5;
if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
    if((LastValue(Buy) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("BuyFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
        StaticVarSet(("BuyFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
        DrawBut("Buy", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
        TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
        TempIndex = StaticVarGet("BuyIndex" + Name());
        TempPrice = StaticVarGet("BuyPrice"  + Name());
        TempQty = StaticVarGet("BuyQty"  + Name());
        TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
        TempPrice[TempCount] = BuyPriceValue;
        TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
        StaticVarSet("BuyCount" + Name(), TempCount);
        StaticVarSet(("BuyIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
        StaticVarSet(("BuyPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
        StaticVarSet(("BuyQty" + Name()), TempQty);
        if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
            LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
            StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo);
            TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
            TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
            nestplus.PlaceOrder("BUY", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, BuyPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);

    if((LastValue(Sell) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("SellFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
        StaticVarSet(("SellFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
        DrawBut("Sell", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
        TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
        TempIndex = StaticVarGet("SellIndex" + Name());
        TempPrice = StaticVarGet("SellPrice"  + Name());
        TempQty = StaticVarGet("SellQty"  + Name());
        TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
        TempPrice[TempCount] = SellPriceValue;
        TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
        StaticVarSet("SellCount" + Name(), TempCount);
        StaticVarSet(("SellIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
        StaticVarSet(("SellPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
        StaticVarSet(("SellQty" + Name()), TempQty);
        if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
            LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
            StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo, 1);
            TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
            TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
            nestplus.PlaceOrder("SELL", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, SellPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);
    if((LastValue(Short) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("ShortFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
        StaticVarSet(("ShortFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
        DrawBut("Short", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
        TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
        TempIndex = StaticVarGet("ShortIndex" + Name());
        TempPrice = StaticVarGet("ShortPrice"  + Name());
        TempQty = StaticVarGet("ShortQty"  + Name());
        TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
        TempPrice[TempCount] = SellPriceValue;
        TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
        StaticVarSet("ShortCount" + Name(), TempCount);
        StaticVarSet(("ShortIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
        StaticVarSet(("ShortPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
        StaticVarSet(("ShortQty" + Name()), TempQty);
        if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
            LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
            StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo);
            TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
            TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
            nestplus.PlaceOrder("SELL", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, SellPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);

    if((LastValue(Cover) == True) && (StaticVarGet(("CoverFlag" + Name())) != LastValue(DateTime())))
        StaticVarSet(("CoverFlag" + Name()), LastValue(DateTime()));
        DrawBut("Cover", X0+X1+10, Y0, X0+X1+75, Y0+30,  colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
        TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
        TempIndex = StaticVarGet("CoverIndex" + Name());
        TempPrice = StaticVarGet("CoverPrice"  + Name());
        TempQty = StaticVarGet("CoverQty"  + Name());
        TempIndex[TempCount] = LastValue(DateTime());
        TempPrice[TempCount] = BuyPriceValue;
        TempQty[TempCount] = LotQuantity;
        StaticVarSet("CoverCount" + Name(), TempCount);
        StaticVarSet(("CoverIndex" + Name()), TempIndex);
        StaticVarSet(("CoverPrice" + Name()), TempPrice);
        StaticVarSet(("CoverQty" + Name()), TempQty);
        if(EnableAutoTrade == "Yes")
            LastOrderNo = StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
            StaticVarSet("OrderNo", LastOrderNo, 1);
            TempOrderNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + LastOrderNo;
            TempName = Name() + "-EQ";
            nestplus.PlaceOrder("BUY", TempOrderNo, "NSE", TempName, "DAY", OrderType, LotQuantity, BuyPriceValue, 0.0, 0, ProductType, ClientIdValue);
X0 = 180;
Y0 = 30;

if(EnableRealTimeControl == "Yes")
    TotPrice = 0;
    TotQty = 0;
    TotVal = 0;
    TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("BuyPrice" + Name());
    TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("BuyQty" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("BuyCount" + Name());
    for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
        TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
        TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
        TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
    if(TempCount == 0)
        AvgBuyPrice = 0;
        LastBuyPrice = 0;
        LastBuyQty = 0;
        AvgBuyPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
        LastBuyPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
        LastBuyQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
    TotBuyQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
    NetBuyQty = TotQty;
    NetBuyValue = TotVal;
    TotPrice = 0;
    TotQty = 0;
    TotVal = 0;
    TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("SellPrice" + Name());
    TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("SellQty" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("SellCount" + Name());
    for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
        TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
        TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
        TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
    if(TempCount == 0)
        AvgSellPrice = 0;
        LastSellPrice = 0;
        LastSellQty = 0;
        AvgSellPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
        LastSellPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
        LastSellQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
    TotSellQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
    NetSellQty = TotQty;
    NetSellValue = TotVal;
    TotPrice = 0;
    TotQty = 0;
    TotVal = 0;
    TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("ShortPrice" + Name());
    TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("ShortQty" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("ShortCount" + Name());
    for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
        TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
        TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
        TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
    if(TempCount == 0)
        AvgShortPrice = 0;
        LastShortPrice = 0;
        LastShortQty = 0;
        AvgShortPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
        LastShortPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
        LastShortQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
    TotShortQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
    NetShortQty = TotQty;
    NetShortValue = TotVal;
    TotPrice = 0;
    TotQty = 0;
    TotVal = 0;
    TempPriceArray = StaticVarGet("CoverPrice" + Name());
    TempQtyArray = StaticVarGet("CoverQty" + Name());
    TempCount = StaticVarGet("CoverCount" + Name());
    for(i = 0; i < TempCount; i++)
        TotPrice = TotPrice + TempPriceArray[i];
        TotQty = TotQty + TempQtyArray[i];
        TotVal = TotVal + TempPriceArray[i] * TempQtyArray[i];
    if(TempCount == 0)
        AvgCoverPrice = 0;
        LastCoverPrice = 0;
        LastCoverQty = 0;
        AvgCoverPrice = (TotPrice / TempCount);
        LastCoverPrice = TempPriceArray[(TempCount - 1)];
        LastCoverQty = NumToStr(TempQtyArray[(TempCount - 1)], 1, 0);
    TotCoverQty = NumToStr(TotQty, 1, 0);
    NetCoverQty = TotQty;
    NetCoverValue = TotVal;
    NetQty = NetSellQty - NetBuyQty + NetShortQty - NetCoverQty;
    NetValue = NetSellValue - NetBuyValue + NetShortValue - NetCoverValue;
    NetQuantityColor = colorGrey40;
    NetValueColor = colorGrey40;

    if(NetQty > 0)
        NetQuantityColor = colorRed;
        NetValueColor = colorRed;
    else if(NetQty < 0)
        NetQuantityColor = colorGreen;
        NetValueColor = colorGreen;
    else if(NetQty == 0)
        if(NetValue > 0)
            NetValueColor = colorGreen;
        else if(NetValue < 0)
            NetValueColor = colorRed;
    DrawData (" AvgBuyPr: " + AvgBuyPrice, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" TotBuyQty: " + TotBuyQty, X0+155 , Y0, X0+305, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" AvgSellPr: " + AvgSellPrice, X0+310, Y0, X0+460, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" TotSellQty: " + TotSellQty, X0+465, Y0, X0+615, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" AvgShortPr: " + AvgShortPrice, X0+620, Y0, X0+770, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" TotShortQty: " + TotShortQty, X0+775 , Y0, X0+925, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" AvgCoverPr: " + AvgCoverPrice, X0+930, Y0, X0+1080, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" TotCoverQty: " + TotCoverQty, X0+1085, Y0, X0+1235, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    Y0 = 50;
    DrawData (" LastBuyPr: " + LastBuyPrice, X0, Y0, X0+150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastBuyQty: " + LastBuyQty, X0+155 , Y0, X0+305, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastSellPr: " + LastSellPrice, X0+310, Y0, X0+460, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastSellQty: " + LastSellQty, X0+465, Y0, X0+615, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastShortPr: " + LastShortPrice, X0+620, Y0, X0+770, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastShortQty: " + LastShortQty, X0+775 , Y0, X0+925, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastCoverPr: " + LastCoverPrice, X0+930, Y0, X0+1080, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    DrawData (" LastCoverQty: " + LastCoverQty, X0+1085, Y0, X0+1235, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);
    Y0 = 70;
    DrawData (" LTP : " + CurrentTradedPrice, X0, Y0, X0+125, Y0+15, LTPColor, LTPColor);
    DrawData (" LTQ : " + NumToStr(CurrentLTQ,1,0), X0+130, Y0, X0+255, Y0+15, LTQColor, LTQColor);
    DrawData (" Bid : " + CurrentBidPrice, X0+260, Y0, X0+385, Y0+15, AskColor, AskColor);
    DrawData (" Ask : " + CurrentAskPrice, X0+390, Y0, X0+515, Y0+15, BidColor, BidColor);
    NestOredrNo = ClientIdValue + NumToStr(Now(3),1,0) + "00" + StaticVarGet("OrderNo");
    DrawData (" NetQty : " + NetQty, X0+520, Y0, X0+670, Y0+15, NetQuantityColor, NetQuantityColor);
    DrawData (" NetValue : " + NetValue, X0+675, Y0, X0+900, Y0+15, NetValueColor, NetValueColor);
    DrawData (" Order No : " + NestOredrNo, X0+905, Y0, X0+1150, Y0+15, colorGrey40, colorGrey40);



Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 10, 2, 200, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorGreen ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 30, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorOrange ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel) | styleNoRescale );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 45, 2, 400, 1 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/ "", ParamColor( "Color", colorYellow ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey );
Color = ColorBlend( Color,  GetChartBkColor(), 0.5 );
Style = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoRescale;;
Plot( bbt = BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), /*"BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES()*/ "", Color, Style );
Plot( bbb = BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), /*"BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES()*/ "", Color, Style );
PlotOHLC( bbt, bbt, bbb, bbb, "", ColorBlend( Color, GetChartBkColor(), 0.7 ), styleNoLabel | styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );

Color = ParamColor("Color", ColorRGB( 128, 128, 192 ) );
Plot( Volume, /*_DEFAULT_NAME()*/"", ColorBlend( Color, GetChartBkColor(), 0.2  ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram  ), 2 );

High Low Bracket for Amibroker (AFL) with Audio Sound

High Low Bracket for Amibroker (AFL)

TicksOffset= Param("TicksOffset",0.0001,0.0001,0.50,0.0001);
Offset = 2;
bars = i;
i = 0;
Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, y0, BarCount, y0,1), "", colorDarkRed, styleLine|styleLine|styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Offset);
Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, y1, BarCount, y1,1), "", colorDarkRed, styleLine|styleLine|styleNoLabel, Null, Null, Offset);
for (i=bars; i <BarCount;i++)
if (C[i]>y0)
color[i] = Null;
PlotText(""+Y0, BarCount+1,Y0,Null,color[i]);
AlertIf( C[i]>y0, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\ringout.wav", "Audio alert", 1 );
for (i=bars; i <BarCount;i++)
if (C[i]<y1)
color[i] = Null;
PlotText(""+Y1, BarCount+1,Y1,Null,color[i]);
AlertIf( C[i]<y1, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\ringout.wav", "Audio alert", 1 );

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

All on One for Amibroker (AFL)

All on One for Amibroker (AFL)

GraphXSpace = 15;

Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

PositionSize = 100000;

Pd=Optimize("ATR Periods",11,1,20,1);

for (i = 1; i <BarCount-1; i++) {
      TrendUp[i] = Null;
      TrendDown[i] = Null;
      if (Close[i]>Up[i-1]) {
         if (trend[i-1] == -1) changeOfTrend = 1;
      else if (Close[i]<Dn[i-1]) {
         if (trend[i-1] == 1) changeOfTrend = 1;
      else if (trend[i-1]==1) {
         changeOfTrend = 0;      
      else if (trend[i-1]==-1) {
         changeOfTrend = 0;

      if (trend[i]<0 && trend[i-1]>0) {
      else {
      if (trend[i]>0 && trend[i-1]<0) {
      else {
      if (trend[i]>0 && Dn[i]<Dn[i-1]){
      if (trend[i]<0 && Up[i]>Up[i-1])
        { Up[i]=Up[i-1];
      if (flag==1)
       {  Up[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2+(Factor*iATR[i]);;
      if (flagh==1)
        { Dn[i]=(H[i]+L[i])/2-(Factor*iATR[i]);;
      if (trend[i]==1) {
         if (changeOfTrend == 1) {
            TrendUp[i-1] = TrendDown[i-1];
            changeOfTrend = 0;
      else if (trend[i]==-1) {
         if (changeOfTrend == 1) {
            TrendDown[i-1] = TrendUp[i-1];
            changeOfTrend = 0;


Buy = trend==1;



PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);      
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);   
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);


P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
Plot( MA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );


GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
FS=Param("Font Size",16);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor( colorLightOrange );
Hor=Param("Horizonta Position",1000);
Ver=Param("Vertica Position",18);
GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor , Ver );
FS2=Param("Font Size2",11);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS2,11, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorGreen );
Hor1=Param("Horizontal Position",1000);
Ver1=Param("Vertical Position",1); 
GfxSetTextColor( colorLightOrange );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+"  ("+xx+"%)", Hor1 , Ver1+45 );

dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;

Title =EncodeColor(255)+ Name() + " " + EncodeColor(30) + Date() +
" " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(255)+ " Open = "+ EncodeColor(30)+ WriteVal(O,dec) +
EncodeColor(255)+ " High = "+ EncodeColor(30)+ WriteVal(H,dec) +
EncodeColor(255)+ " Low = "+ EncodeColor(30)+ WriteVal(L,dec) +
EncodeColor(255)+ " Close = "+ EncodeColor(35)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
EncodeColor(255)+ " Volume = "+ EncodeColor(30)+ WriteVal(V,1) ;


_SECTION_BEGIN("Advance Trenlines with Candle Pivots");
farback = Param("How Far back to go", 100, 50, 5000, 10);
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
aHPivs = H - H;
aLPivs = L - L;
aHPivHighs = H - H;
aLPivLows = L - L;
aHPivIdxs = H - H;
aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;
nLPivs = 0;
lastHPIdx = 0;
lastLPIdx = 0;
lastHPH = 0;
lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);
aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);
aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
aVisBars = Status("barvisible");
nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
curBar = (BarCount - 1);
curTrend = "";
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar])
curTrend = "D";

curTrend = "U";

for (i = 0; i < farback; i++)
curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar])
if (curTrend == "U")
curTrend = "D";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
if (curTrend == "D")
curTrend = "U";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;

curBar = (BarCount - 1);
candIdx = 0;
candPrc = 0;
lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];
lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];
lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];
if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx)
candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
if (lastHPH < candPrc AND candIdx > lastLPIdx AND candIdx < curBar)
aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j = 0; j < nHPivs; j++)
aHPivHighs[nHPivs - j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs - (j + 1)];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs - j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs - (j + 1)];
aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc;
aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;

candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
candPrc = aLLV[curBar];
if (lastLPL > candPrc AND candIdx > lastHPIdx AND candIdx < curBar)
aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j = 0; j < nLPivs; j++)
aLPivLows[nLPivs - j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs - (j + 1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs - j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs - (j + 1)];
aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;

for (k = 0; k < nHPivs; k++)
_TRACE("High pivot no. " + k + " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", " + WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex() == aHPivIdxs[k], DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime) + ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);

a1 = ahpivs == 1;
a2 = alpivs == 1;
PlotShapes(a1 *shapeSmallCircle, colorLightOrange, 0, H, Offset = 5);
PlotShapes(a2 *shapeSmallCircle, colorLightOrange, 0, L, Offset = -5);

Para = ParamToggle("Plot Parallel Lines","Off,On");
ColorS= ParamColor("Support",colorLightOrange);
ColorR= ParamColor("Resistance",colorLightOrange);
x = Cum(1);
s1 = L;
s11 = H;
pS = a2 == 1;

endt = LastValue(ValueWhen(ps,x,1));
startt = LastValue(ValueWhen(ps,x,2));
ends = LastValue(ValueWhen(ps,S1,1));
starts = LastValue(ValueWhen(ps,S1,2));
dtS = endt - startt;
aS = (endS - startS) / dtS;
bS = endS;
trendlineS = aS *(x - endt) + bS;
g3 = IIf(x > startt - 10, trendlineS, Null);
Plot(g3, "", colors );
pR = a1 == 1;
endt1 = LastValue(ValueWhen(pr,x,1));
startt1 = LastValue(ValueWhen(pr,x,2));
endr = LastValue(ValueWhen(pr,S11,1));
startr = LastValue(ValueWhen(pr,S11,2));
dtR = endt1 - startt1;
aR = (endR - startR) / dtR;
bR = endR;
trendlineR = aR *(x - endt1) + bR;
g4 = IIf(x > startT1 - 10, trendlineR, Null);
Plot(g4, "", colorr );

acd = log(endr/startr)/(endt1-startt1);
res1 = exp((x-endt1)*acd)*endr;
RRL = ROC(res1,1);
bcd = log(ends/starts)/(endt-startt);
sup1= exp((x-endt)*bcd)*ends;
RSL = ROC(sup1,1);

Low_Value = LastValue(Ref(LLV(L,endt1-startt1),-(x-endt1)));
x2 = LastValue(ValueWhen(L==Low_Value & x>startt1 & x<endt1,x));
PLL = IIf(LastValue(x)-x2>5,exp((x-x2)*acd)*Low_Value,Null);
Hi_Value = LastValue(Ref(HHV(H,endt-startt),-(x-endt)));
x3 = LastValue(ValueWhen(H==Hi_Value & x>startt & x<endt,x));
PHL = IIf(LastValue(x)-x3>5,exp((x-x3)*bcd)*Hi_Value,Null);
SLabs = sup1-Ref(sup1,-1); RLabs = res1-Ref(res1,-1);
ROC2SL = (SLabs/C)*100; ROC2RL = (RLabs/C)*100;
PLLd = abs((LastValue(C)/LastValue(PLL))-1)<0.01*100;
PHLd = abs((LastValue(C)/LastValue(PHL))-1)<0.01*100;
barvisible = Status("barvisible");
firstvisiblebar = barvisible & NOT
HHvisible = LastValue(HighestSince(firstvisiblebar,High));
LLvisible = LastValue(LowestSince(firstvisiblebar,Low));
RaH = HHvisible *1.05; RaL = LLVisible *0.95;
AnZ= starts==0 OR ends==0 OR startr==0 OR endr==0;
PLplot = IIf(x-x2>=0 & abs(LastValue(L/PLL)-1) <abs(LastValue((100/1000)*ATR(14))) & PLL>RaL & PLL<RaH & NOT AnZ,PLL,IIf(x-x2>=0 & RaL==0 & PLLd & abs(LastValue(L/PLL)-1) <abs(LastValue((100/1000)*ATR(14)))& NOT AnZ,PLL,Null));
PHplot = IIf(x-x3>=0 & abs(LastValue(H/PHL)-1) <abs(LastValue((100/1000)*ATR(14))) & PHL>RaL & PHL<RaH & NOT AnZ,PHL,IIf(x-x3>=0 & RaL==0 & PHLd & abs(LastValue(H/PHL)-1) <abs(LastValue((100/1000)*ATR(14)))& NOT AnZ,PHL,Null));
Plot(IIf(Para,PLplot,Null)," ",colorr,styleDashed,maskDefault+styleNoRescale);
Plot(IIf(Para,PHplot,Null)," ",colors,styleDashed,maskDefault+styleNoRescale);


Period = Param("Period", 5, 1, 50);
ShowExt = ParamToggle("Show Extension ?", "No|Yes");

Period = Period*(13*.618);

Hhb = LastValue(Ref(HHVBars(H, Period), -1))+1;
Llb = LastValue(Ref(LLVBars(L, Period), -1))+1;
Hv = LastValue(Ref(HHV(H, Period), -1));
Lv = LastValue(Ref(LLV(L, Period), -1));

Range = (Hv - Lv);
LText = "  0 %, 23.6 %, 38.2 %, 50  %, 61.8 %, 78.6 %, 100 %,127 % ,161.8 %,  200 %";
if(Hhb > Llb)
Levels[0] = Lv;
Levels[1]= (Range *.236)+Levels[0];
Levels[2]= (Range *.382)+Levels[0];
Levels[3]= (Range *.5)+Levels[0];
Levels[4]= (Range *.618)+Levels[0];
Levels[5]= (Range *.786)+Levels[0];
Levels[6]= Hv;
Levels[7]= (Range *.270)+Levels[6];
Levels[8]= (Range *.618)+Levels[6];
Levels[9]= (Range )+Levels[6];
x0 = BarCount - 1 - Llb;
x1 = BarCount - 1 - Hhb;
Levels[0]= Hv;
Levels[1]= Levels[0]- (Range *.236);
Levels[2]= Levels[0]- (Range *.382);
Levels[3]= Levels[0]- (Range *.5);
Levels[4]= Levels[0]- (Range *.618);
Levels[5]= Levels[0]- (Range *.786);
Levels[6]= Lv;
Levels[7]= Levels[6]- (Range *.270);
Levels[8]= Levels[6]- (Range *.618);
Levels[9]= Levels[6]- (Range );
x0 = BarCount - 1 - Hhb;
x1 = BarCount - 1 - Llb;

for(i=0; i<10; i++)
x = x0;
x = x1;
if(i<7 OR ShowExt)
Plot(LineArray(x, Levels[i], BarCount, Levels[i]), "", i+2, styleDashed);
PlotText(StrExtract(LText, i), BarCount, Levels[i], i+2);


15 or 30 Min Indian Currency Market for Amibroker (AFL)

15 or 30 Min Indian Currency Market for Amibroker (AFL)

Plot( C, "Close", colorDefault, styleNoTitle | GetPriceStyle() );


_SECTION_BEGIN(" Settings");
Periods = Param("Call Sensitivity", 3, 2, 40, 1 );
accm = Param("StopLoss Sensitivity", 0.16, 0, 1, 0.001 );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Buy Sell Declaration");
VAL=MA( Close, Periods);
B  = C>Val;
S = C<Val;
B1 = Ref(B,-1);
S1 = Ref(S,-1);

Sell = S AND S1;
Buy  = B AND B1;

Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell) ;
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen ,layer = 0, yposition = C, offset = -45 );
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed ,layer = 0, yposition = C, offset = -45 );

Callprice=ValueWhen(Buy OR Sell,CP);

acc = 0.15;

if(Buy[i]  == 1)
sig = "BUY";
entry = BuyPrice[i];
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorLime, 1);
GfxTextOut(" 15 / 30 Minutes Currency India", 13 , 360);
GfxTextOut("Version 1.0 Final - 11th April 2015", 13, 390);

stoploss=IIf(Call==Buy AND VALSAR<C,VALSAR,IIf(Call==Sell AND VALSAR>C,VALSAR,0.0));
Plot( VALSAR, "stop line", slcolor , styleStaircase | styleDashed | styleNoTitle);

i = 0;
if(Sell[i] == 1)
sig = "SELL";
entry = SellPrice[i] ;

stoploss=IIf(Call==Buy AND VALSAR<C,VALSAR,IIf(Call==Sell AND VALSAR>C,VALSAR,0.0));
Plot( VALSAR, "stop line", slcolor , styleStaircase| styleDashed | styleNoTitle);

bars = i;
i = 0;

GfxRoundRect( 5, 350, 150, 290 , 7, 7 );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 20, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorPink ); 
GfxSetTextColor (colorYellow );
GfxTextOut("  15 - 30 Minutes Currency India", 55 , 520);
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 13, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor (colorYellow);
GfxTextOut(" 15 or 30 Minutes on USD/INR - GBP/INR - JPY/INR - EUR/INR", 55 , 550);

GfxSetTextColor (colorWhite);
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxTextOut("Yesterdays Closing : "+ Prec(YC,2), 5 , 55);
GfxTextOut("Todays Open : "+ Prec(TO,2), 5 , 70);
GfxTextOut("YESTERDAY HIGH/LOW :  "+ Prec(YH,2)+ "  /  "+ Prec(YL,2), 5 , 85);
GfxTextOut("YESTERDAYS MARKET RANGE :  "+ Prec(MKTRANGE,2), 5 , 100);

GfxSetTextColor (colorWhite );
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorBlack );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorBlack );
GfxTextOut(" " + sig + " @ "+ Callprice, 13 , 300);
GfxTextOut("Stop Loss : " + stoploss, 13 , 330);

NoteSet("", "
Stratergy Name :
K.I.S.S - 15 / 30 Minutes Currency India Version 1.0 Final.

Key Features:
1) intraday book 10 PIPS PROFIT OR Hold till call change
2) Excellent Capability to Catch Trends way before they start
3) Little Sensative, Hence False Calls MAy arrive, but Stop Loss is Very Tight AND Small.
4) Contains all - Call, Exits OR
5) Usual Stop Loss is Less than 7 pips, you Can exit early if you see previous Candle High/Low break. The Stratergy was designed for Safety

This is a Very Simple yet powerful Trading Stratergy
Developed for Cash/Currency Indian Market

The stratergy is to be used On intraday OR Carryforward. Depends On 15 Minutes OR 30 Minutes Charts.

Trading Tips:
Money MAnagement: Use Only 2 - 10% Of your trading Capital.
Try to Book 80% Of your profits within the FIRst 10 pips for good MoneyManagement.

In case Of any issues/Help needed you MAy Consult me On +91 9167446412 OR

Full Credits AND
Analysis / Programmed by : Nilesh K Shirke
India : Ghatkopar East - Mumbai
Thanks for Family Support AND Amibroker Software

Nothing is proven official without Mathemathic Testing:
Tested On NSECDS/MCX USDINR, JPYINR, GBPINR, EURINR with Paper Trading with the Following Stats
Win Streak is calculated considering 2 paisa brokerage.
AnyTrade Greater than 0.02 paisa is considered a Win.
Sometimes Stoploss also gives in Profit, that is included in Win count.

Maths Stastic Result
Max Continous Win Streak : 3
Max Continous Loosing Streak : 13
Max Loss Pips Counts : 12 pips (currency 0.12 paisa)
15 Minutes on USDINR / GBPINR / JPYINR Back Testing 4 Trades Per Day till Profit.
Average Loss Pips Counts : 7 pips (currency 0.07 paisa)
Average GrossProfit Pips in 3 months Back data Test : 68 Pips Per Day (Currency 0.60 Paisa)
Average GrossLoss Pips in 3 months Back data Test : 26 Pips Per Day (Currency 0.26 Paisa)
Average Net Position in 3 Months Back Data Test: Profit . 42 Pips per Day (Currency 0.42 Pips per Day)

On an Average Monthly trade can give a return of more than 10% returns with this stratergy, with proper money management.
Kindly invest only 2% of the capital. do NOT invest more than 10% of your Account even in Highest confident situation.

for an Account of 2 Lakh, have a Stoploss of 2000 - 5000 Rupees per trade. So accordingly trade with limited lot sizes which enable you to have 2000 - 8000 profit per trade/Day trade.

Good Luck !!
