Thursday 1 November 2018

AFL Function Reference - Categorized list of functions Basic price pattern detection

  1. #include ( Miscellaneous functions) - preprocessor include command (AFL 2.2)
  2. #include_once ( Miscellaneous functions) - preprocessor include (once) command (AFL 2.70)
  3. #pragma ( Miscellaneous functions) - sets AFL pre-processor option (AFL 2.4)
  4. abs ( Math functions) - absolute value
  5. AccDist ( Indicators) - accumulation/distribution
  6. acos ( Math functions) - arccosine function
  7. AddColumn (Exploration / Indicators) - add numeric exploration column (AFL 1.8)
  8. AddMultiTextColumn (Exploration / Indicators) - adds exploration text column based on array (AFL 4.20)
  9. AddRankColumn (Exploration / Indicators) - add ranking column(s) according to current sort set by SetSortColumns (AFL 5.70)
  10. AddRow (Exploration / Indicators) - add raw text row to exploration (AFL 4.0)
  11. AddSummaryRows (Exploration / Indicators) - add summary row(s) to the exploration output (AFL 3.2)
  12. AddTextColumn (Exploration / Indicators) - add text exploration column (AFL 1.8)
  13. AddToComposite ( Composites) - add value to composite ticker (AFL 2.0)
  14. ADLine ( Composites) - advance/decline line (AFL 1.2)
  15. AdvIssues ( Composites) - advancing issues (AFL 1.2)
  16. AdvVolume ( Composites) - advancing issues volume (AFL 1.2)
  17. ADX ( Indicators) - average directional movement index (AFL 1.3)
  18. AlertIf ( Trading system toolbox) - trigger alerts (AFL 2.1)
  19. AlmostEqual ( Math functions) - rounding error insensitive comparison (AFL 2.80)
  20. AMA ( Moving averages, summation) - adaptive moving average (AFL 1.5)
  21. AMA2 ( Moving averages, summation) - adaptive moving average (AFL 1.5)
  22. ApplyStop ( Trading system toolbox) - apply built-in stop (AFL 1.7)
  23. Asc ( String manipulation) - get ASCII code of character (AFL 2.80)
  24. asin ( Math functions) - arcsine function
  25. atan ( Math functions) - arc tan
  26. atan2 ( Math functions) - calculates arctangent of y/x (AFL 2.90)
  27. ATR ( Indicators) - average true range (AFL 1.3)
  28. BarIndex ( Date/Time) - get zero-based bar number (AFL 2.3)
  29. BarsSince ( Trading system toolbox) - bars since
  30. BBandBot ( Indicators) - bottom bollinger band
  31. BBandTop ( Indicators) - top bollinger band
  32. BeginValue ( Date/Time) - Value of the array at the begin of the range (AFL 2.3)
  33. CategoryAddSymbol ( Information / Categories) - adds a symbol to a category (AFL 2.5)
  34. CategoryCreate ( Information / Categories) - add new category (such as watch list) (AFL 3.70)
  35. CategoryFind ( Information / Categories) - search for category by name (AFL 3.0)
  36. CategoryGetName ( Information / Categories) - get the name of a category (AFL 2.5)
  37. CategoryGetSymbols ( Information / Categories) - retrieves comma-separated list of symbols belonging to given category (AFL 2.5)
  38. CategoryRemoveSymbol ( Information / Categories) - remove a symbol from a category (AFL 2.5)
  39. CategorySetName ( Information / Categories) - set the name of category (group, market, watch list, industry) (AFL 3.20)
  40. CCI ( Indicators) - commodity channel index
  41. ceil ( Math functions) - ceil value
  42. Chaikin ( Indicators) - chaikin oscillator
  43. ClipboardGet ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieves current contents of Windows clipboard (AFL 2.60)
  44. ClipboardSet ( Miscellaneous functions) - copies the text to the Windows clipboard (AFL 2.6)
  45. ColorBlend ( Indicators) - blends (mixes) two colors (AFL 3.30)
  46. ColorHSB ( Miscellaneous functions) - specify color using Hue-Saturation-Brightness (AFL 2.80)
  47. ColorRGB ( Miscellaneous functions) - specify color using Red-Green-Blue components (AFL 2.80)
  48. Correlation ( Statistical functions) - correlation (AFL 1.4)
  49. cos ( Math functions) - cosine
  50. cosh ( Math functions) - hyperbolic cosine function (AFL 2.80)
  51. CreateObject ( Miscellaneous functions) - create COM object (AFL 1.8)
  52. CreateStaticObject ( Miscellaneous functions) - create static COM object (AFL 1.8)
  53. Cross ( Trading system toolbox) - crossover check
  54. Cum ( Moving averages, summation) - cumulative sum
  55. CumProd ( Moving averages, summation) - cumulative product of all array elements (AFL 4.20)
  56. Date ( Date/Time) - date (AFL 1.1)
  57. DateNum ( Date/Time) - date number (AFL 1.4)
  58. DateTime ( Date/Time) - retrieves encoded date time (AFL 2.3)
  59. DateTimeAdd ( Date/Time) - adds specified number of seconds/minutes/hours/days to datetime (AFL 3.40)
  60. DateTimeConvert ( Date/Time) - date/time format conversion (AFL 2.90)
  61. DateTimeDiff ( Date/Time) - get difference in seconds between two datetime values (AFL 3.30)
  62. DateTimeFormat ( Date/Time) - converts datetime to string (AFL 4.20)
  63. DateTimeToStr ( Date/Time) - convert datetime to string (AFL 2.8)
  64. Day ( Date/Time) - day of month (AFL 1.4)
  65. DayOfWeek ( Date/Time) - day of week (AFL 1.4)
  66. DayOfYear ( Date/Time) - get ordinal number of day in a year (AFL 2.4)
  67. DaysSince1900 ( Date/Time) - get number of days since January 1st, 1900 (AFL 3.20)
  68. DecIssues ( Composites) - declining issues (AFL 1.2)
  69. DecVolume ( Composites) - declining issues volume (AFL 1.2)
  70. DEMA ( Moving averages, summation) - double exponential moving average (AFL 2.0)
  71. EMA ( Moving averages, summation) - exponential moving average
  72. EnableRotationalTrading ( Trading system toolbox) - Turns on rotational-trading mode of the backtester (AFL 2.5)
  73. EnableScript ( Miscellaneous functions) - enable scripting engine
  74. EnableTextOutput ( Miscellaneous functions) - allows to enable or disable text output (AFL 2.20)
  75. EncodeColor (Exploration / Indicators) - encodes color for indicator title (AFL 2.2)
  76. EndValue ( Date/Time) - value of the array at the end of the selected range (AFL 2.3)
  77. Equity ( Trading system toolbox) - calculate single-symbol equity line (AFL 2.0)
  78. Error ( Miscellaneous functions) - displays user-defined error message and stops the execution (AFL 3.7)
  79. EXP ( Math functions) - exponential function
  80. ExRem ( Trading system toolbox) - remove excessive signals (AFL 1.5)
  81. ExRemSpan ( Trading system toolbox) - remove excessive signals spanning given number of bars (AFL 2.0)
  82. fclose (File Input/Output functions) - close a file (AFL 2.5)
  83. fdelete (File Input/Output functions) - deletes a file (AFL 2.70)
  84. fdir (File Input/Output functions) - list directory content (AFL 3.70)
  85. feof (File Input/Output functions) - test for end-of-file (AFL 2.5)
  86. FFT ( Basic price pattern detection) - performs Fast Fourier Transform (AFL 2.90)
  87. fgetcwd (File Input/Output functions) - get current working directory (AFL 4.10)
  88. fgets (File Input/Output functions) - get a string from a file (AFL 2.5)
  89. fgetstatus (File Input/Output functions) - retrieves file status/properties (AFL 2.90)
  90. FIR ( Moving averages, summation) - Finite Impulse Response filter (AFL 3.40)
  91. FirstVisibleValue ( Indicators) - get first visible value of array (AFL 3.40)
  92. Flip ( Trading system toolbox) - (AFL 1.5)
  93. floor ( Math functions) - floor value
  94. fmkdir (File Input/Output functions) - creates (makes) a directory (AFL 2.70)
  95. fopen (File Input/Output functions) - open a file (AFL 2.5)
  96. Foreign (Referencing other symbol data) - access foreign security data (AFL 1.5)
  97. fputs (File Input/Output functions) - write a string to a file (AFL 2.5)
  98. frac ( Math functions) - fractional part
  99. frmdir (File Input/Output functions) - removes a directory (AFL 2.70)
  100. FullName ( Information / Categories) - full name of the symbol (AFL 1.1)
  101. GapDown ( Basic price pattern detection) - gap down
  102. GapUp ( Basic price pattern detection) - gap up
  103. GetAsyncKeyState ( Miscellaneous functions) - query the current state of keyboard keys (AFL 3.60)
  104. GetBacktesterObject ( Trading system toolbox) - get the access to backtester object (AFL 2.60)
  105. GetBaseIndex (Referencing other symbol data) - retrieves symbol of relative strength base index (AFL 2.1)
  106. GetCategorySymbols ( Information / Categories) - retrieves comma-separated list of symbols belonging to given category (AFL 2.4)
  107. GetChartBkColor ( Indicators) - get the RGB color value of chart background (AFL 3.20)
  108. GetChartID (Exploration / Indicators) - get current chart ID (AFL 2.3)
  109. GetCursorMouseButtons ( Indicators) - get current state of mouse buttons (AFL 2.80)
  110. GetCursorXPosition ( Indicators) - get current X position of mouse pointer (AFL 2.80)
  111. GetCursorYPosition ( Indicators) - get current Y position of mouse pointer (AFL 2.80)
  112. GetDatabaseName ( Information / Categories) - retrieves folder name of current database (AFL 2.3)
  113. GetExtraData ( Miscellaneous functions) - get extra data from external data source (AFL 1.9)
  114. GetExtraDataForeign ( Miscellaneous functions) - get extra data from external data source for specified symbol (AFL 4.20)
  115. GetFnData ( Information / Categories) - get fundamental data (AFL 2.90)
  116. GetFnDataForeign ( Information / Categories) - get fundamental data for specified symbol (AFL 4.20)
  117. GetFormulaPath ( Miscellaneous functions) - get file path of current formula (AFL 3.90)
  118. GetOption ( Trading system toolbox) - gets the value of option in automatic analysis settings (AFL 2.60)
  119. GetPerformanceCounter ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieves the current value of the high-resolution performance counter (AFL 2.90)
  120. GetPlaybackDateTime ( Date/Time) - get bar replay position date/time (AFL 3.0)
  121. GetPriceStyle (Exploration / Indicators) - get current price chart style (AFL 2.70)
  122. GetRTData ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieves the real-time data fields (AFL 2.60)
  123. GetRTDataForeign ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieves the real-time data fields (for specified symbol) (AFL 2.80)
  124. GetScriptObject ( Miscellaneous functions) - get access to script COM object (AFL 1.8)
  125. GetTradingInterface ( Trading system toolbox) - retrieves OLE automation object to automatic trading interfac (AFL 2.70)
  126. GfxArc (Low-level graphics) - draw an arc (AFL 3.0)
  127. GfxChord (Low-level graphics) - draw a chord (AFL 3.0)
  128. GfxCircle (Low-level graphics) - draw a circle (AFL 3.0)
  129. GfxDrawImage (Low-level graphics) - draw bitmap image (AFL 4.20)
  130. GfxDrawText (Low-level graphics) - draw a text (clipped to rectangle) (AFL 3.0)
  131. GfxEllipse (Low-level graphics) - draw an ellipse (AFL 3.0)
  132. GfxFillSolidRect (Low-level graphics) - fill rectangle with solid color (AFL 4.10)
  133. GfxGetTextWidth (Low-level graphics) - get pixel width of text (AFL 2.80)
  134. GfxGradientRect (Low-level graphics) - draw a rectangle with gradient fill (AFL 3.0)
  135. GfxLineTo (Low-level graphics) - draw a line to specified point (AFL 3.0)
  136. GfxMoveTo (Low-level graphics) - move graphic cursor to new position (AFL 3.0)
  137. GfxPie (Low-level graphics) - draw a pie (AFL 3.0)
  138. GfxPolygon (Low-level graphics) - draw a polygon (AFL 3.0)
  139. GfxPolyline (Low-level graphics) - draw a polyline (AFL 3.0)
  140. GfxRectangle (Low-level graphics) - draw a rectangle (AFL 3.0)
  141. GfxRoundRect (Low-level graphics) - draw a rectangle with rounded corners (AFL 3.0)
  142. GfxSelectFont (Low-level graphics) - create / select graphic font (AFL 3.0)
  143. GfxSelectHatchBrush (Low-level graphics) - select hatch style brush (AFL 4.0)
  144. GfxSelectPen (Low-level graphics) - create / select graphic pen (AFL 3.0)
  145. GfxSelectSolidBrush (Low-level graphics) - create / select graphic brush (AFL 3.0)
  146. GfxSelectStockObject (Low-level graphics) - select built-in graphic object (AFL 4.00)
  147. GfxSetBkColor (Low-level graphics) - set graphic background color (AFL 3.0)
  148. GfxSetBkMode (Low-level graphics) - set graphic background mode (AFL 3.0)
  149. GfxSetCoordsMode (Low-level graphics) - set low-level graphics co-ordinate mode (AFL 2.80)
  150. GfxSetOverlayMode (Low-level graphics) - set low-level graphic overlay mode (AFL 3.0)
  151. GfxSetPixel (Low-level graphics) - set pixel at specified position to specified color (AFL 3.0)
  152. GfxSetTextAlign (Low-level graphics) - set text alignment (AFL 3.0)
  153. GfxSetTextColor (Low-level graphics) - set graphic text color (AFL 3.0)
  154. GfxSetZOrder (Low-level graphics) - set current low-level graphic Z-order layer (AFL 2.80)
  155. GfxTextOut (Low-level graphics) - writes text at the specified location (AFL 3.0)
  156. GicsID ( Information / Categories) - get GICS category information (AFL 3.40)
  157. GroupID ( Information / Categories) - get group ID/name (AFL 1.8)
  158. HHV ( Lowest/Highest) - highest high value
  159. HHVBars ( Lowest/Highest) - bars since highest high
  160. Highest ( Lowest/Highest) - highest value
  161. HighestBars ( Lowest/Highest) - bars since highest value
  162. HighestSince ( Lowest/Highest) - highest value since condition met (AFL 1.4)
  163. HighestSinceBars ( Lowest/Highest) - bars since highest value since condition met (AFL 1.4)
  164. HighestVisibleValue ( Indicators) - get the highest value within visible chart area (AFL 3.30)
  165. HMA ( Moving averages, summation) - Hull Moving Average (AFL 3.40)
  166. Hold ( Trading system toolbox) - hold the alert signal
  167. Hour ( Date/Time) - get current bar's hour (AFL 2.0)
  168. IcbID ( Information / Categories) - get ICB category information (AFL 3.60)
  169. IIf ( Trading system toolbox) - immediate IF function
  170. IIR ( Moving averages, summation) - infinite impulse response filter (AFL 4.0)
  171. IndustryID ( Information / Categories) - get industry ID / name (AFL 1.8)
  172. InGICS ( Information / Categories) - test GICS membership (AFL 3.40)
  173. InICB ( Information / Categories) - test ICB membership (AFL 3.60)
  174. Inside ( Basic price pattern detection) - inside day
  175. Int ( Math functions) - integer part
  176. InternetClose (File Input/Output functions) - close Internet file handle (AFL 4.20)
  177. InternetOpenURL (File Input/Output functions) - opens Internet web resource (URL) (AFL 4.20)
  178. InternetReadString (File Input/Output functions) - read a string from Internet resource (AFL 4.20)
  179. Interval ( Date/Time) - get bar interval (in seconds) (AFL 2.1)
  180. InWatchList ( Information / Categories) - watch list membership test (by ordinal number)
  181. InWatchListName ( Information / Categories) - watch list membership test (by name) (AFL 3.0)
  182. IsContinuous ( Information / Categories) - checks 'continuous quotations' flag state (AFL 2.60)
  183. IsEmpty ( Miscellaneous functions) - empty value check (AFL 1.5)
  184. IsFavorite ( Information / Categories) - check if current symbol belongs to favorites (AFL 2.5)
  185. IsFinite ( Miscellaneous functions) - check if value is not infinite (AFL 2.3)
  186. IsIndex ( Information / Categories) - check if current symbol is an index (AFL 2.5)
  187. IsNan ( Miscellaneous functions) - checks for NaN (not a number) (AFL 2.3)
  188. IsNull ( Miscellaneous functions) - check for Null (empty) value (AFL 2.3)
  189. IsTrue ( Miscellaneous functions) - true value (non-empty and non-zero) check (AFL 1.5)
  190. Kurtosis ( Math functions) - calculates kurtosis (AFL 4.20)
  191. LastValue ( Trading system toolbox) - last value of the array
  192. LastVisibleValue ( Indicators) - get last visible value of array (AFL 3.40)
  193. LineArray (Exploration / Indicators) - generate trend-line array (AFL 2.5)
  194. LinearReg ( Statistical functions) - linear regression end-point (AFL 2.2)
  195. LinRegIntercept ( Statistical functions) - (AFL 2.2)
  196. LinRegSlope ( Statistical functions) - linear regression slope (AFL 1.4)
  197. LLV ( Lowest/Highest) - lowest low value
  198. LLVBars ( Lowest/Highest) - bars since lowest low
  199. log ( Math functions) - natural logarithm
  200. log10 ( Math functions) - decimal logarithm
  201. Lookup ( Date/Time) - search the array for bar with specified date/time (AFL 3.40)
  202. Lowest ( Lowest/Highest) - lowest value
  203. LowestBars ( Lowest/Highest) - bars since lowest
  204. LowestSince ( Lowest/Highest) - lowest value since condition met (AFL 1.4)
  205. LowestSinceBars ( Lowest/Highest) - barssince lowest value since condition met (AFL 1.4)
  206. LowestVisibleValue ( Indicators) - get the lowest value within visible chart area (AFL 3.30)
  207. MA ( Moving averages, summation) - simple moving average
  208. MACD ( Indicators) - moving average convergence/divergence
  209. MarketID ( Information / Categories) - market ID / name (AFL 1.8)
  210. Matrix (Matrix functions) - create a new matrix (AFL 4.0)
  211. Max ( Math functions) - maximum value of two numbers / arrays
  212. MDI ( Indicators) - minus directional movement indicator (-DI) (AFL 1.3)
  213. Median ( Statistical functions) - calculate median (middle element) (AFL 2.5)
  214. MFI ( Indicators) - money flow index
  215. MicroSec ( Date/Time) - get bar's microsecond part of the timestamp
  216. MilliSec ( Date/Time) - get bar's millisecond part of the timestamp
  217. Min ( Math functions) - minimum value of two numbers / arrays
  218. Minute ( Date/Time) - get current bar's minute (AFL 2.0)
  219. Month ( Date/Time) - month (AFL 1.4)
  220. mtRandom ( Statistical functions) - Mersene Twister random number generator (AFL 3.0)
  221. mtRandomA ( Statistical functions) - Mersene Twister random number generator (array version) (AFL 3.0)
  222. MxDet (Matrix functions) - calculate determinant of the matrix (AFL 4.10)
  223. MxFromString (Matrix functions) - creates a new matrix out of string (AFL 4.10)
  224. MxGetBlock (Matrix functions) - get rectangular block of items from matrix (AFL 4.10)
  225. MxGetSize (Matrix functions) - get size of the matrix (AFL 4.0)
  226. MxIdentity (Matrix functions) - create an identity matrix (AFL 4.0)
  227. MxInverse (Matrix functions) - calculate inverse matrix (AFL 4.10)
  228. MxSetBlock (Matrix functions) - sets values in the rectangular block of matrix cells (AFL 4.10)
  229. MxSolve (Matrix functions) - solves linear equation system A @ X = B (AFL 4.10)
  230. MxSort (Matrix functions) - sorts the matrix (AFL 4.10)
  231. MxSortRows (Matrix functions) - sort the rows of the matrix (AFL 4.10)
  232. MxSum (Matrix functions) - calculate grand sum of the matrix (AFL 4.20)
  233. MxToString (Matrix functions) - convert matrix to string (AFL 4.10)
  234. MxTranspose (Matrix functions) - creates transpose of an input matrix (AFL 4.0)
  235. Name ( Information / Categories) - ticker symbol (AFL 1.1)
  236. NormDist ( Statistical functions) - normal distribution function (AFL 4.20)
  237. NoteGet ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieves the text of the note (AFL 2.6)
  238. NoteSet ( Miscellaneous functions) - sets text of the note (AFL 2.6)
  239. Now ( Date/Time) - gets current system date/time (AFL 2.3)
  240. NullCount ( Miscellaneous functions) - count consecutive Null values (AFL 3.90)
  241. NumToStr ( String manipulation) - convert number to string (AFL 2.5)
  242. NVI ( Indicators) - negative volume index
  243. Nz ( Miscellaneous functions) - Null (Null/Nan/Infinity) to zero (AFL 2.3)
  244. OBV ( Indicators) - on balance volume
  245. Optimize ( Trading system toolbox) - define optimization variable (AFL 1.7)
  246. OptimizerSetEngine ( Trading system toolbox) - select external optimization engine (AFL 3.20)
  247. OptimizerSetOption ( Trading system toolbox) - set the value of external optimizer engine parameter (AFL 3.20)
  248. OscP ( Indicators) - price oscillator
  249. OscV ( Indicators) - volume oscillator
  250. Outside ( Basic price pattern detection) - outside bar
  251. Param (Exploration / Indicators) - add user user-definable numeric parameter (AFL 2.3)
  252. ParamColor (Exploration / Indicators) - add user user-definable color parameter (AFL 2.3)
  253. ParamDate (Exploration / Indicators) - add user user-definable date parameter (AFL 2.60)
  254. ParamField (Exploration / Indicators) - creates price field parameter (AFL 2.70)
  255. ParamList (Exploration / Indicators) - creates the parameter that consist of the list of choices (AFL 2.70)
  256. ParamStr (Exploration / Indicators) - add user user-definable string parameter (AFL 2.3)
  257. ParamStyle (Exploration / Indicators) - select styles applied to the plot (AFL 2.70)
  258. ParamTime (Exploration / Indicators) - add user user-definable time parameter (AFL 2.60)
  259. ParamToggle (Exploration / Indicators) - create Yes/No parameter (AFL 2.70)
  260. ParamTrigger (Exploration / Indicators) - creates a trigger (button) in the parameter dialog (AFL 2.70)
  261. PDI ( Indicators) - plus directional movement indicator (AFL 1.3)
  262. Peak ( Basic price pattern detection) - peak (AFL 1.1)
  263. PeakBars ( Basic price pattern detection) - bars since peak (AFL 1.1)
  264. Percentile ( Statistical functions) - calculate percentile (AFL 2.5)
  265. PercentRank ( Indicators) - calculate percent rank (AFL 3.40)
  266. PlaySound ( Miscellaneous functions) - play back specified .WAV file (AFL 3.40)
  267. Plot (Exploration / Indicators) - plot indicator graph (AFL 1.8)
  268. PlotForeign (Referencing other symbol data) - plot foreign security data (AFL 2.2)
  269. PlotGrid (Exploration / Indicators) - Plot horizontal grid line (AFL 2.3)
  270. PlotOHLC (Exploration / Indicators) - plot custom OHLC chart (AFL 2.2)
  271. PlotShapes (Exploration / Indicators) - plots arrows and other shapes (AFL 2.3)
  272. PlotText ( Indicators) - write text on the chart (AFL 2.80)
  273. PlotTextSetFont ( Basic price pattern detection) - write text on the chart with user-defined font (AFL 2.80)
  274. PlotVAPOverlay (Exploration / Indicators) - plot Volume-At-Price overlay chart (AFL 2.4)
  275. PlotVAPOverlayA ( Indicators) - plot multiple-segment Volume-At-Price chart (AFL 3.20)
  276. PopupWindow ( Miscellaneous functions) - display pop-up window (AFL 3.0)
  277. Prec ( Math functions) - adjust number of decimal points of floating point number
  278. Prefs ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieve preferences settings (AFL 1.4)
  279. PriceVolDistribution (Matrix functions) - general-purpose distribution function (AFL 4.20)
  280. printf ( String manipulation) - Print formatted output to the output window. (AFL 2.5)
  281. Prod ( Moving averages, summation) - cumulative product of array over specified range (AFL 4.20)
  282. ProdSince ( Moving averages, summation) - cumulative product since condition is met (AFL 4.20)
  283. PVI ( Indicators) - positive volume index
  284. Random ( Statistical functions) - random number (AFL 1.9)
  285. Ref ( Trading system toolbox) - reference past/future values of the array
  286. RelStrength (Referencing other symbol data) - comparative relative strength (AFL 1.3)
  287. RequestTimedRefresh ( Indicators) - forces periodical refresh of indicator pane (AFL 2.90)
  288. RestorePriceArrays (Referencing other symbol data) - restore price arrays to original symbol (AFL 2.5)
  289. Reverse ( Miscellaneous functions) - reverse the order of the elements in the array (AFL 3.90)
  290. RMI ( Indicators) - Relative Momentum Index (AFL 2.1)
  291. ROC ( Indicators) - percentage rate of change
  292. Round ( Math functions) - round number to nearest integer
  293. RSI ( Indicators) - relative strength index
  294. RWI ( Indicators) - random walk index
  295. RWIHi ( Indicators) - random walk index of highs
  296. RWILo ( Indicators) - random walk index of lows
  297. SAR ( Indicators) - parabolic stop-and-reverse (AFL 1.3)
  298. Say ( Miscellaneous functions) - speaks provided text (AFL 2.90)
  299. Second ( Date/Time) - get current bar's second (AFL 2.0)
  300. SectorID ( Information / Categories) - get sector ID / name (AFL 1.8)
  301. SelectedValue (Exploration / Indicators) - retrieves value of the array at currently selected date/time point (AFL 2.1)
  302. SendEmail ( Miscellaneous functions) - send an e-mail message (AFL 3.90)
  303. SetBacktestMode ( Trading system toolbox) - Sets working mode of the backtester (AFL 3.0)
  304. SetBarFillColor ( Indicators) - set bar/candlestick/cloud chart fill color (AFL 3.1)
  305. SetBarsRequired ( Miscellaneous functions) - set number of previous and future bars needed for script/DLL to properly execute (AFL 2.1)
  306. SetChartBkColor ( Indicators) - set background color of a chart (AFL 2.80)
  307. SetChartBkGradientFill ( Indicators) - enables background gradient color fill in indicators (AFL 2.90)
  308. SetChartOptions (Exploration / Indicators) - set/clear/overwrite defaults for chart pane options (AFL 2.70)
  309. SetCustomBacktestProc ( Trading system toolbox) - define custom backtest procedure formula file (AFL 2.70)
  310. SetForeign (Referencing other symbol data) - replace current price arrays with those of foreign security (AFL 2.5)
  311. SetFormulaName ( Trading system toolbox) - set the name of the formula (AFL 2.5)
  312. SetGradientFill ( Indicators) - set the colors of a gradient fill plot (AFL 3.60)
  313. SetOption ( Trading system toolbox) - sets options in automatic analysis settings (AFL 2.3)
  314. SetPositionSize ( Trading system toolbox) - set trade size (AFL 2.70)
  315. SetSortColumns (Exploration / Indicators) - sets the columns which will be used for sorting in AA window (AFL 2.90)
  316. SetStopPrecedence ( Trading system toolbox) - set precedence of built-in stops (AFL 4.0)
  317. SetTradeDelays ( Trading system toolbox) - allows to control trade delays applied by the backtester (AFL 2.1)
  318. ShellExecute ( Basic price pattern detection) - execute a file (AFL 3.40)
  319. sign ( Math functions) - returns the sign of the number/array (AFL 2.50)
  320. Signal ( Indicators) - macd signal line
  321. sin ( Math functions) - sine function
  322. sinh ( Math functions) - hyperbolic sine function (AFL 2.80)
  323. Skewness ( Math functions) - calculate skewness (AFL 4.20)
  324. Sort ( Miscellaneous functions) - performs a quick sort of the array (AFL 3.90)
  325. SparseCompress ( Miscellaneous functions) - compress sparse array (AFL 4.0)
  326. SparseExpand ( Miscellaneous functions) - expand compressed array to sparse array (AFL 4.0)
  327. sqrt ( Math functions) - square root
  328. StaticVarAdd ( Miscellaneous functions) - an "atomic" addition for static variables (AFL 4.10)
  329. StaticVarCompareExchange ( Miscellaneous functions) - atomic interlocked static variable compare-exchange operation (AFL 3.50)
  330. StaticVarCount ( Miscellaneous functions) - get the total number of static variables in memory (AFL 3.30)
  331. StaticVarGenerateRanks ( Miscellaneous functions) - generate ranking of multiple symbols and store it to static variables (AFL 3.70)
  332. StaticVarGet ( Miscellaneous functions) - gets the value of static variable (AFL 2.60)
  333. StaticVarGetRankedSymbols ( Miscellaneous functions) - retrieve a list of ranked symbols from static variables (AFL 3.70)
  334. StaticVarGetText ( Miscellaneous functions) - gets the value of static variable as string (AFL 2.60)
  335. StaticVarInfo ( Miscellaneous functions) - get the information about static variable(s) (AFL 3.60)
  336. StaticVarRemove ( Miscellaneous functions) - remove static variable (AFL 2.80)
  337. StaticVarSet ( Miscellaneous functions) - sets the value of static variable (AFL 2.60)
  338. StaticVarSetText ( Miscellaneous functions) - Sets the value of static string variable. (AFL 2.60)
  339. Status ( Miscellaneous functions) - get run-time AFL status information (AFL 1.65)
  340. StdErr ( Statistical functions) - standard error (AFL 1.4)
  341. StDev ( Statistical functions) - standard deviation (AFL 1.4)
  342. StochD ( Indicators) - stochastic slow %D
  343. StochK ( Indicators) - stochastic slow %K
  344. StrCount ( String manipulation) - count the occurrences of substring within a string (AFL 3.20)
  345. StrExtract ( String manipulation) - extracts given item (substring) from comma-separated string (AFL 2.4)
  346. StrFind ( String manipulation) - find substring in a string (AFL 2.5)
  347. StrFormat ( String manipulation) - Write formatted output to the string (AFL 2.5)
  348. StrLeft ( String manipulation) - extracts the leftmost part (AFL 2.0)
  349. StrLen ( String manipulation) - string length (AFL 1.5)
  350. StrMatch ( String manipulation) - string pattern/wildcard matching (AFL 4.0)
  351. StrMid ( String manipulation) - extracts part of the string (AFL 2.0)
  352. StrReplace ( String manipulation) - string replace (AFL 2.90)
  353. StrRight ( String manipulation) - extracts the rightmost part of the string (AFL 2.0)
  354. StrSort ( String manipulation) - sort comma-separated item list (AFL 3.90)
  355. StrToDateTime ( String manipulation) - convert string to datetime (AFL 2.80)
  356. StrToLower ( String manipulation) - convert to lowercase (AFL 2.80)
  357. StrToNum ( String manipulation) - convert string to number (AFL 2.5)
  358. StrToUpper ( String manipulation) - convert to uppercase (AFL 2.80)
  359. StrTrim ( String manipulation) - trim whitespaces from the string (AFL 3.90)
  360. Study ( Miscellaneous functions) - reference hand-drawn study (AFL 1.5)
  361. Sum ( Moving averages, summation) - sum data over specified number of bars
  362. SumSince ( Moving averages, summation) - sum of array elements since condition was tru (AFL 4.10)
  363. tan ( Math functions) - tangent function (AFL 1.0)
  364. tanh ( Math functions) - hyperbolic tangent function (AFL 2.80)
  365. TEMA ( Moving averages, summation) - triple exponential moving average (AFL 2.0)
  366. ThreadSleep ( Miscellaneous functions) - suspend thread for specified number of milliseconds (AFL 3.50)
  367. TimeFrameCompress (Time Frame functions) - compress single array to given time frame (AFL 2.5)
  368. TimeFrameExpand (Time Frame functions) - expand time frame compressed array (AFL 2.5)
  369. TimeFrameGetPrice (Time Frame functions) - retrieve O, H, L, C, V values from other time frame (AFL 2.5)
  370. TimeFrameMode (Time Frame functions) - switch time frame compression mode (AFL 2.80)
  371. TimeFrameRestore (Time Frame functions) - restores price arrays to original time frame (AFL 2.5)
  372. TimeFrameSet (Time Frame functions) - switch price arrays to a different time frame (AFL 2.5)
  373. TimeNum ( Date/Time) - get current bar time (AFL 2.0)
  374. Trin ( Composites) - traders (Arms) index (AFL 1.2)
  375. TRIX ( Indicators) - triple exponential smoothed price
  376. Trough ( Basic price pattern detection) - trough (AFL 1.1)
  377. TroughBars ( Basic price pattern detection) - bars since trough (AFL 1.1)
  378. TSF ( Statistical functions) - time series forecast (AFL 2.2)
  379. Ultimate ( Indicators) - ultimate oscillator
  380. UncIssues ( Composites) - unchanged issues (AFL 1.2)
  381. UncVolume ( Composites) - unchaged issues volume (AFL 1.2)
  382. ValueWhen ( Trading system toolbox) - get value of the array when condition met (AFL 1.1)
  383. VarGet ( Miscellaneous functions) - gets the value of dynamic variable (AFL 2.60)
  384. VarGetText ( Miscellaneous functions) - gets the text value of dynamic variable (AFL 2.80)
  385. VarSet ( Miscellaneous functions) - sets the value of dynamic variable (AFL 2.60)
  386. VarSetText ( Miscellaneous functions) - sets dynamic variable of string type (AFL 2.80)
  387. Version ( Miscellaneous functions) - get version info (AFL 1.9)
  388. VoiceCount ( Miscellaneous functions) - get number of SAPI voices (AFL 4.20)
  389. VoiceSelect ( Miscellaneous functions) - select SAPI voice (AFL 4.20)
  390. Wilders ( Moving averages, summation) - Wilder's smoothing (AFL 1.4)
  391. WMA ( Moving averages, summation) - weighted moving average (AFL 2.0)
  392. WriteIf (Exploration / Indicators) - commentary conditional text output
  393. WriteVal (Exploration / Indicators) - converts number to string
  394. XYChartAddPoint (Exploration / Indicators) - add point to exploration scatter (XY) chart (AFL 3.60)
  395. XYChartSetAxis (Exploration / Indicators) - set the names of X and Y axes in exploration scatter charts (AFL 3.60)
  396. Year ( Date/Time) - year (AFL 1.4)
  397. ZIG ( Basic price pattern detection) - zig-zag indicator (AFL 1.1)
  398. _DEFAULT_NAME (Exploration / Indicators) - retrive default name of the plot (AFL 2.70)
  399. _DT ( Date/Time) - convert string to datetime (AFL 3.40)
  400. _N (Exploration / Indicators) - no text output (AFL 2.1)
  401. _PARAM_VALUES (Exploration / Indicators) - retrieve param values string (AFL 2.70)
  402. _SECTION_BEGIN (Exploration / Indicators) - section begin marker (AFL 2.70)
  403. _SECTION_END (Exploration / Indicators) - section end marker (AFL 2.70)
  404. _SECTION_NAME (Exploration / Indicators) - retrieve current section name (AFL 2.70)
  405. _TRACE ( Miscellaneous functions) - print text to system debug viewer (AFL 2.4)
  406. _TRACEF ( Miscellaneous functions) - print formatted text to system debug viewer (AFL 4.0)

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