Sunday 20 October 2019

Pattern Commentary for Amibroker (AFL)

This AFL indicates when to buy and when to sell the stock. It also gives some stats on the past patterns.

Pattern Commentary for Amibroker (AFL)

_SECTION_BEGIN("Unnamed 34");

function msPattPos( element )
   Value1 = Ref( H, -1 );
   Value2 = Ref( L, -1 );
   Value3 = ( Value1 + Value2 )/2;
   Dist = Ref( ATR( 10 ), -1 );
   Value4 = Value1 + Dist;
   Value5 = Value2 - Dist;
   result = IIf( element < Value5, 0,
            IIf( element < Value2, 1,
            IIf( element < Value3, 2,
            IIf( element < Value1, 3,
            IIf( element < Value4, 4,
                              5 ) ) ) ) );
  return result;
function msPattToText( patt )
 result =
 WriteIf( patt == 0, " is below previous (Low - ATR 10) ",
 WriteIf( patt == 1, " is above (at) previous (Low - ATR 10) and below previous Low ",
 WriteIf( patt == 2, " is above (at) previous Low and below previous Midpoint ",
 WriteIf( patt == 3, " is above (at) previous Midpoint and below previous High ",
 WriteIf( patt == 4, " is above (at) previous High and below (High + ATR 10) ",
 " is above (at) previous (High + ATR(10) " ) ) ) ) );
 return result;
function msRecognize()
   return 1000 * msPattPos( Open ) + 100 * msPattPos( High ) +
          10 * msPattPos( Low ) + msPattPos( Close );
function msPatternDescription( patt )
   return "Open: " + msPattToText( round( ( patt / 1000 ) % 10 ) ) + "\n" +
          "High: " + msPattToText( round( ( patt / 100 ) % 10 ) ) + "\n" +
          "Low: " + msPattToText( round( ( patt / 10 ) % 10 ) ) + "\n" +
          "Close: " + msPattToText( round( patt % 10 ) );
patts = msRecognize();
DesiredPattern = SelectedValue( patts );

Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g,
        Lo %g, Close %g", O, H, L, C);
Title = Title + "\nPattern code is : " + DesiredPattern + "\n" +
        msPatternDescription( DesiredPattern  );
Plot(C, "Price", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack), styleNoTitle |
        ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
PattCloseAbove = DesiredPattern == patts AND Ref( Close > Open, 1 );
PattCloseBelow = DesiredPattern == patts AND Ref( Close < Open, 1 );
PlotShapes(    ( DesiredPattern == patts ) * shapeCircle ,
            IIf( PattCloseAbove, colorGreen,
            IIf( PattCloseBelow, colorRed, colorBlue ) ),
            0, High, 30 );
NumPatterns = LastValue( Cum( DesiredPattern == patts ) );
NumPattCloseAbove = LastValue( Cum( PattCloseAbove ) );
NumPattCloseBelow = LastValue( Cum( PattCloseBelow ) );
NumPattCloseEqual = NumPatterns - NumPattCloseAbove - NumPattCloseBelow;
Title = Title +
"\n\nTotal number of Patterns: " + NumPatterns +
"\n% on Total Bars: " + 100 * NumPatterns/BarCount +
"\nIn the next bar\n" +
EncodeColor(colorGreen) +
"Close has been above the open " + NumPattCloseAbove +
" (" + NumPattCloseAbove / NumPatterns + "%) times\n" +
EncodeColor(colorRed) +
"Close has been below the open " + NumPattCloseBelow + " (" +
NumPattCloseBelow / NumPatterns +" %) times\n" +
EncodeColor(colorBlue) +
"Close has been equal to the open " + NumPattCloseEqual + " (" +
NumPattCloseEqual / NumPatterns +" %)times";

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